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    Premium Collectibles : Merliger Statue


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 3999
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    Premium Collectibles : Merliger Statue Empty Premium Collectibles : Merliger Statue

    Message  GrumpyBear Dim 28 Aoû 2022, 12:22

    XM Studios News

    "Merliger, the manifestation of the Merlion's spirit and the guardian deity of Singapore, appeared in the web series "Ultraman: A New Power of Singapore", as part of the commemoration of the 55th Anniversary of Singapore-Japan Diplomatic Relations (SJ55). Merliger statue collectible coming soon!

    To mark 55 years of diplomatic relations between Singapore and Japan, the Singapore Tourism Board collaborated with Ultraman (coincidentally, the Japanese superhero also celebrated its 55th anniversary) in 2021 and produced a special video to commemorate this special milestone.

    Watch it here."

    XM Studios Facebook

    GHeroes EU Master Distributor Facebook

    Premium Collectibles : Merliger Statue 300952088_32245537310hqifh


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 3999
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    Premium Collectibles : Merliger Statue Empty Re: Premium Collectibles : Merliger Statue

    Message  GrumpyBear Jeu 17 Nov 2022, 11:21

    XM Studios News

    "XM Studios excited to present our next Ultraman release, the Merliger Merlion Park diorama! Pre-Order opens tomorrow on 18th November 2022!

    To mark 55 years of diplomatic relations between Singapore and Japan (also known as SJ55), the Singapore Tourism Board collaborated with Ultraman (coincidentally, Ultraman also celebrated its 55th anniversary) in 2021 and produced a special video to commemorate this special milestone, Ultraman: A New Power of Singapore.

    The 3 part web series of Ultraman fighting Kaiju with Merliger in Singapore. XM’s SJ55 series took references from the web series and designed 3 different statues, featuring iconic landmarks."

    XM Studios Facebook

    GHeroes EU Master Distributor Facebook

    Premium Collectibles : Merliger Statue 1wofa5


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 3999
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    Premium Collectibles : Merliger Statue Empty Re: Premium Collectibles : Merliger Statue

    Message  GrumpyBear Ven 18 Nov 2022, 11:57

    XM Studios News

    - The SJ55 Series: Merliger (Merlion Park) is ready for Pre-Order now! -

    "XM Studios is excited to present our fourth Ultraman release, the SJ55 Ultraman Series! To mark 55 years of diplomatic relations between Singapore and Japan, the Singapore Tourism Board collaborated with Ultraman (coincidentally, the Japanese superhero also celebrated its 55th anniversary) in 2021. Each painstakingly handcrafted statue is individually hand-painted with the famous XM quality finish, and comes in a bold, dynamic, and story-laden style.

    Merliger, the manifestation of the Merlion's spirit and the guardian deity of Singapore, appeared in the web series "Ultraman: A New Power of Singapore”. In the final episode, Merliger awakened and emerged from the water to join forces with Ultraman in battling Red King, Neronga, and Gubila, saving Singapore from harm and destruction. Merlion is Singapore’s national icon, a mythical creature made up of lion’s head and fish’s body. The fish body represents Singapore's origin as a fishing village, while the lion head represents Singapore's original name—Singapura—meaning "lion city”."

    XM Studios Facebook

    GHeroes EU Master Distributor Facebook

    Premium Collectibles : Merliger Statue 10bi2m

    19 Pictures:


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 3999
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    Premium Collectibles : Merliger Statue Empty Re: Premium Collectibles : Merliger Statue

    Message  GrumpyBear Ven 18 Nov 2022, 12:27

    GHeroes Europe News

    Premium Collectibles : Merliger Statue Facebookmerligerbanneitefl

    "Dear Collectors and Friends,

    today we announce the official Pre-Order for the XM SJ55 Series: Merliger (Merlion Park) 30cm Diorama here with us in europe. XM Studios is excited to present our fourth Ultraman release, the SJ55 Ultraman Series!
    SJ55 Series includes:
    Ultraman and Merliger (Changi Airport)
    Ultraman (Marina Bay Sands)
    Merliger (Merlion Park)

    Merliger, the manifestation of the Merlion's spirit and the guardian deity of Singapore, appeared in the web series "Ultraman: A New Power of Singapore”. In the final episode, Merliger awakened and emerged from the water to join forces with Ultraman in battling Red King, Neronga, and Gubila, saving Singapore from harm and destruction. Merlion is Singapore’s national icon, a mythical creature made up of lion’s head and fish’s body. The fish body represents Singapore's origin as a fishing village, while the lion head represents Singapore's original name—Singapura—meaning "lion city”.


    Pre-Order: Open
    Retail Price: 829,- EUR
    Full Payment Price: 787,- EUR
    Deposit: 150,- EUR
    Edition Size: NA


    PreOrder Merliger (Merlion Park):

    Merliger (Merlion Park) : Pre-Order - English
    Merliger (Merlion Park) : Pre-Order - German


    Features Merliger (Merlion Park):

    ● Highly detailed sculpt of Merliger with Merlion.
    ● Limited Edition: NA


    The Merliger (Merlion Park). To mark 55 years of diplomatic relations between Singapore and Japan, the Singapore Tourism Board collaborated with Ultraman (coincidentally, the Japanese superhero also celebrated its 55th anniversary) in 2021 and produced a special video to commemorate this special milestone. Watch Ultraman: A New Power of Singapore! Safe your Pre-Order. 


    GHeroes Shop : FAQ (English)
    GHeroes Shop : FAQ (German)


    You’ll receive an email with all further information after you secured one of the XM SJ55 Series: Merliger (Merlion Park) 30cm Diorama Pre-Order.

    Have a nice weekend!

    Best Regards

    XM Studios Premium Collectibles Facebook

    GHeroes European Master Distributor Facebook

    Premium Collectibles : Merliger Statue 1zpiaw

    Premium Collectibles : Merliger Statue 285ia5

    Premium Collectibles : Merliger Statue 3kpewh

    Premium Collectibles : Merliger Statue 4sce49

    Premium Collectibles : Merliger Statue 5ovdbx


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 3999
    Age : 47
    Localisation : Europe / Germany
    Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016

    Premium Collectibles : Merliger Statue Empty Re: Premium Collectibles : Merliger Statue

    Message  GrumpyBear Sam 19 Nov 2022, 11:12

    XM Studios News

    XM Studios is excited to present our fourth Ultraman release, the SJ55 Ultraman Series! To mark 55 years of diplomatic relations between Singapore and Japan, the Singapore Tourism Board collaborated with Ultraman (coincidentally, the Japanese superhero also celebrated its 55th anniversary) in 2021.

    SJ55 Series includes:
    Ultraman and Merliger (Changi Airport)
    Ultraman (Marina Bay Sands)
    Merliger (Merlion Park)


    ● Yoshiki Fujimoto (3D Artist, Ultraman)
    ● Edivaldo Batalha (3D Artist, Merliger)
    ● Wendell Freire (3D Artist, Base)
    ● XM Studios Design and Development Team

    Manufactured by:
    XM Studios

    Supported by:
    Singapore Tourism Board

    XM Studios Facebook

    GHeroes EU Master Distributor Facebook

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    Premium Collectibles : Merliger Statue Empty Re: Premium Collectibles : Merliger Statue

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