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    Life Size Captain Marvel Pager Collectible


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 13677
    Age : 57
    Date d'inscription : 14/12/2008

    Life Size Captain Marvel Pager Collectible Empty Life Size Captain Marvel Pager Collectible

    Message  doom Jeu 25 Juil 2019, 21:30


    Life Size Captain Marvel Pager Collectible

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    Avengers: Endgame – Captain Marvel Pager Life-Size Collectible
    Marvel fans got their very first tease of Captain Marvel during the post-credits scene of Avengers: Infinity War, as Nick Fury uses a transmitter pager to alert Captain Marvel before he is snapped out of existence. She has upgraded this communication device, an ordinary Earth pager, with Kree technology for Fury to use for emergencies. Based on Marvel Studios’ Avengers: Endgame, Hot Toys is extremely thrilled to bring to our fans today the Captain Marvel Pager in Life-Size Collectible.
    The screen-accurate collectible measures approximately 7cm in height and 7.5 cm in length, showcases all the authentic and fine details of Captain Marvel Pager. Features Captain Marvel’s iconic symbol in the center of the screen, beautifully painted with multiple layers of metallic colors and weathering effects to highlight its amazing aesthetics, and two LED lighting modes including light-on effect and pulsing light effect for alternative display use.
    With this pager, Captain Marvel can be your emergency contact, too! It will be an awesome addition to your Avengers collection!

    Q3 Q4 2019


      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 01 Juin 2024, 16:08